Sports Events

Monday, 4 April 2011

Shakira Barefoot Foundation donated $ 400,000

Shakira help earthquake destroyed by last year's learning center for reconstruction efforts in cash pledges.

January 2010 Haiti pop star Shakira help after the earthquake destroyed the city in Port O Prince Elie Dubois High School pledged support for reconstruction. Nine classes, 250 students in the school built in 1913, and Haiti for the first girls to provide vocational training.

a year of fundraising, Shakira Barefoot Foundation donated $ 400,000 this week to help finance organized project. Inter-American Development Bank by building a reputation of matching donations budget goals.

She told students at a celebration, "I'm convinced the key to achieve a dignified future forthe Haitian people is through education. I'd like to say to the girls that this is an enormous opportunity that life is offering you - education. So make the most of it because I'm sure you can achieve any of your dreams."

Once construction begins, it is estimated that 14 months is in school will be completed.

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